
please pass the head cheese

A couple of nights ago (the night of the fire in fact), our land lady invited us over for a Scandinavian holiday feast. We had a surprisingly nice time and it was the first time I've ever had four full courses. The food was interesting, borderline gross, but the company was extremely pleasant, which made for a wonderful evening.

On the menu for that night: pickled Herring (three different kind: spiced, dill, curry), head cheese, chicken liver patte, lots of different bread and cheese, purple potatoes (my new favorite!), pickled beets and cabbage, and an apple cake (NOT like an apple pie...). Everything was as good or as disgusting as it sounds! But Brad and I stuck it out and can now say that we've tried everything listed above. Will, however, was a horrendous dinner guest, spending most of his time feeding the dog, throwing his bottle, banging on the table, and yanking on our place-settings. The rest of the time he wandered around the kitchen area, threatening to destroy anything within his reach.

But other than that, it was a really lovely dinner and we got to know our LL even better (on a more personal and positive level... no business talk). We left feeling happy and bloated, and Will bestowed a gracious and oh so-sweet kiss on her cheek at parting... you guessed it; she melted! What a charmer!

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You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B