
dreading prepubescence

Just wanted to add a quick note that last night, at Mimi's Cafe, crayons were properly used and appreciated by our little man! Of course, he had to take a nibble of the forest green wax... but before that, he scribbled, happily! *sniff, sniff* He's growing up so fast!

PS - This picture was taken over the summer. Look how much he's changed just in the past few months! And this is the exact face he pulled when he unfortunately masticated that crayon. But here he was caught in the act of chowing down some oh-so-nutritious dog food. I'm glad I found a way to post this picture, even if it is somewhat relevant! Oh, and nevermind the awful pairing of clothing here. Gotta love laundry day!

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You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B