
still missing

I can't find it. I've looked high and low and to no avail.
And I can't do this unless I have this:
Has anyone seen it?
Maybe y'all should come visit me and help me look for it...

Just a thought. *B


  1. It'll turn up Beth. When Sean and I moved to Virginia and had unpacked "every box" we were missing our iron (which we were sure we had packed!). We couldn't find it anywhere. After that, whenever Sean and I couldn't find something we'd say, "It's probably with the iron." Then, just a few weeks ago when I was looking for our wee little tree I found it ... in the box with the iron!!!!! We left our camera in California and I'm feeling so lost without it - especially when it comes to blogging! I'll pray that you will find it. Good Sabbath :)

  2. Somehow...i missed the post with the new blog address. I was really behind. Whoops! Anyway, Congrats on the new place and I hope you find your camera soon!

  3. ooo pick me pick me! I'm cooomming! I wish! Good luck searching.

  4. Hey, we just got that camera for Christmas. I really like it.


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B