
stranger danger?

Thanks to Leslie for bringing this to my attention. I never quite thought of it that way, but for many it is a valid concern. So, if some of you are paranoid about random strangers having your address, I may have a solution for you...

I know that many of you do indeed know each other personally, or have built up a confident friendship via the web. But perhaps being partnered up with a complete stranger wigs you out. No worries! Just indicate if you are willing to swap with strangers OR if you would feel more comfortable being paired with people that you do know.

Does that help calm any qualms out there? *B


  1. Being a very cynical and untrusting sort of person myself, I am amazed at the total number of people more paranoid than I am!! If someone reads your blog and wants to swap, than it is not a total stranger sending you Valentine's cards! Just someone unacquainted with you personally, but still acquainted with your friend. That is not a TOTAL stranger, just an unmet friend. However I realize many people feel threatened by these things. I don't give out info to unsolicited people. As long as you have a connection I believe it's safe. For more on this subject read cousin Kory Hoopes' blog. Sorry to rant!

  2. I highly doubt that someone signing up for a Valentine swap would be a dangerous person to share your address with...

  3. Thanks for the mention. :) I will let my overly paranoid friends know about it. I tried to tell them that all kinds of strangers have our addresses. Anytime we apply for a credit card or anything like that, someone who is a virtual stranger has our address. Personally, I'd rather get a Valentine card in the mail as opposed to a new credit card offer.

  4. I feel better knowing there's a lot of people like me out there. BUT, since they're people you know, then I'm not worried.

  5. I'm still in for strangers and non strangers alike! I doubt any wierdos read your blog (except me of course.)hee hee.

  6. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Haha! I just had that convo with my mom the other day! :) heehee!

  7. Hey Beth... I know me and my sisters are all perfectly happy with strangers... oh, and I've opted for traditional, handmade cards... the digital ones simply weren't half as cute... any ideas how to get a high quality printed digital card that looks as cute as a handmade one?

  8. i think the fun of blog swaps is meeting new people.


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B