
my very own baby boy

To this very day, in this very hour, Bradley William Summers decided to grace us with his presence. Well, more like the decision was made for him. I guess he really liked his warm and cushy home; he wasn't going to leave it anytime soon. It was a week before his due date and he had yet to descend and engage. A quick ultrasound later confirmed our fears: Will was not just stuck, he was just anywhere other than where he should be. My midwife and my doctor suggested we plan for a C-section. This came as quite the blow, seeing as I'd been setting myself up for a natural birth... needless to say, many tears were shed and prayers were said.

Two days later I showed up at the hospital. I had come to grips with it and was ready for my baby. The nurses strapped me up to the machines and started giving me grief because Will had decided to be head down that morning. So there I was, a half hour from being spiked and sliced, and I'm told that I'm making the wrong decision! You have no idea the kind of roller-coaster I was on; natural birth, C-section, back to natural birth?! I was probably hyperventilating. I decided to wait for my midwife and ignore the nurses. She came in and measured me, thoroughly. Apparently all the angles of my bones in that relative area were too small. Will had a less than 50% chance of making it out through my natural doorway. More tears and more prayers. We made our decision, chatted with Mom (so glad she was there, whew) and Adam (who was on his mission, recovering from a surgery of his own), waited for the doctor, and glared at the nurses.

My team of experts (minus the nurses) was a dream. I loved my supportive midwife, my sympathetic doctor and my super friendly anesthesiologist. I'm not going to lie and say that getting a spinal is a walk in the park. No, there would be no walking anytime soon. I was shaking so bad from nerves (I hate surgery and stuff) and I was freezing, but the warmth of the drugs was pretty awesome. But man alive, that first prick... I've never had such a deep and painful ache like that.

So there I was, on the table, about ready to pop, and feeling SO comfortable and warm. Weird. After a few nice words and glances from my dream team, we were all ready to get this party started. Brad gave me reassuring squeezes of the hand and play-by-play remarks throughout the entire surgery. If I wasn't the one on the operating slab I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall...

Fifteen minutes later, Will came out, feet first, crying and peeing like there was no tomorrow! On a side note, yesterday was the very first day he peed on me! I had such a great track record up until that point, sheesh! But I digress. Anyway, he was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. And boy, was he big! It wasn't quite love at first sight simply because it was so surreal, and the drugs were really starting to work their magic. But I couldn't take my eyes off him and I was just so happy that he arrived here safely and it was all over; our lives together had just started.

And we couldn't be happier. *B


  1. I loved reading your story! Those photos are the most adorable thing I have ever seen. They did NOT help with the baby hungries i've been suffering of late. Thanks a lot. HA HA.

  2. Wow! What a story! I bet that makes you a little nervous about baby number two, or three or four. Lucky you got such a sweet one out of it! Happy b-day Will!

  3. I love that story, so sorry that it didn't go as planned but aren't you SO thankful for medicine today and what they are able to do...amazing! I also love the pictures, there is nothing more precious than baby pictures! Happy birthday darling Will, welcome to 2-year-old-hood...and now the excitement really begins!

  4. Isn't is amazing that anyone is ever born? Each birth really is a miracle and it is always an experience to remember, that is for sure. After giving birth three times I feel that I have some expertice in this area and as one who experienced a "natural birth" with my last baby, be it unintentional, I HIGHLY recommend going with the drugs! You see, it has been nearly three years and I still haven't forgotten the experience enough to even consider doing it ever again! I was sure I was going to die. However, there is one reason I would recommend doing it this way and that is this, once the baby is out the excruciating pain vanishes and I was able to walk myself to the bathroom and sit up on my own in the bed. So, that part was nice. Anyway, Happy Birthday to Will!

  5. What a sweet story. He is so lucky to have you as such a tender mommy!

  6. Happy Birthday Will!!

  7. oh my gosh! Your baby is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! And those photographs are beautiful and totally artistic!

    I'm so glad everything worked out. :)

  8. Beth, I had no idea you had a c-section! Will is such a cutie. And I've always loved your picture collage. Ok I'm jealous.

  9. Happy Birthday Will!!!

  10. Amazing story.

    Gorgeous pics, too. Loved it all!

  11. I never knew the details of the story until now...sounds like quite an ordeal! But I'm sure it was worth it! What a cute boy.

  12. And he still is an amazing, beautiful, wonderful boy! Very much like his mama!!

  13. I love the photos and I loved reading your story. Been there and done that twice. lol Like you, the first one wasn't a planned c-section and unfortunately the second time around I had to do one too. Call me for support the next time around...lol
    Tell sweet little Will HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY!. It goes by so fast!!!!!

  14. What a sweet story! I guess things don't always go precisely as planned, but they usually work out for the best. :)

    BTW, congrats on your week of walking!! Hooray!

  15. darling story. what a cutie he is! loved reading this post beth!

  16. Thanks for sharing your story Beth. What cute pictures and what a sweet mom he has. Have fun with your two year old (insert evil wicked laugh...) I guess they have their moments...:)

  17. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Happy Birthday Will!! You have awesome parents!!

    -E & J

  18. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Happy Sweet William! What a beautiful baby and pictcures. I can't believe that you just got peed on for the first time!

  19. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Love the story! I really enjoy the way you write things, it is so descriptive!

    So glad things worked out, isn't it amazing what we go through to bring these little people to earth??


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B