No, dear Mrs. Mushroom, I have not forgotten
you or your
tag! I've been mulling it over and here it is, for all to see and ponder about {B}. I hope you don't mind me snagging your California
bears to aid me in colorifying this here post. And I'm going to break the rules and just post these little random facts about me and invite all to join if you so choose! Enjoy, at your own risk (restrictions apply):
1. I have multiple ear piercings. Two in my left, three in my right, all with my mother's approval/encouragement... years ago, I stopped bedazzling the excessive holes and now I hardly wear any earrings at all!
2. The most rebellious thing(s) I did as a teenager was stay up past my bedtime (home alone, reading in my bedroom) and not clean my room, or make my bed. And if my mother commented on my shorts being too short, then I wouldn't wear them to school, and I wouldn't take them to change into at school either. A relatively tame teen, eh?
3. Surprisingly enough, I consider myself a good liar, when it's necessary... HA!
4. I don't like to talk much, or kiss much, in the morning before I've removed my retainers and brushed my teeth. I hate having morning breath.
5. My preferred method of expressing myself: writing. For some odd reason, ideas and thoughts come to me a lot easier when I'm writing. Especially if I'm typing, then the words just flow. Weird. Also, I feel more like an intellect and admittedly more hip when I write. However, I don't know how to diagram sentences. I know what a noun is, but that's about it. I couldn't tell you an example of a verb, because I don't know one. And you can tell me over and over again what the proper parts of speech are, but it goes in one ear and out the other. Weird. I always said that I felt like I could write by ear (which makes no sense). Basically, I know what sounds right... it comes from all that reading I did as a kid I suppose. Oh, and I'm a picky editor (my essays and papers were always trashed, by my own hand, several times over. Anytime a classmate would see my drafts they'd feel bad for me because they'd think I had a big meanie for a partner. Then they felt bad for themselves when they realized it was lil' ol' me who was the harsh one... but I did good by them. Haha!).
6. I think I'm dyslexic. I had a professor suggest it to me one day. He explained that it's a different sort than just writing backwards; my mind can't handle lots of options. So, I have a terrible time with multiple choice tests, ordering food, deciding what to eat if we don't already have something planned, etc. In fact, it's gotten really bad lately in that I can't follow directions or patterns. In fact, a simple purse pattern, or directions on how to make a proper apron, send me into panic attacks. I do better to just look at a picture or the object in question and figure it out myself. Everything I do or make is just me teaching myself (like digital scrapbooking, or my countless projects...).
7. I was once in a movie, in the opening scenes of a very bad (aka. lame) karate movie. No, I've never seen it. I don't even know the name. That's how lame it is. But I do have a high purple belt in taekwondo.
8. I probably whine "I want to go to Disneyland" almost every day. At least once a week, but more realistically about every other day. It's about as often as me saying, "I love CA!" :)
PS- don't have my copy yet. *sigh, sniff, sigh* I'm using every ounce of restraint possible to keep myself from going to the local bookstore and devouring it! I can wait until Friday, or Saturday. Maybe. But notice my new theme song. It not only reminds me of the book and the relationships found inside it, but also of my ridiculous bond with the work
itself! Goodness! Good stuff. *B