
something good to eat

I'm so pleasantly pleased with how these turned out!  They're like the epitome of Fall.  And I'm definitely in favor of all things Autumn, which obviously and absolutely includes pumpkins ;)   Let's pretend it wasn't 90-something degrees today... yeah, I'm just going to lock myself inside my house and bake my day away!  I might have to turn the AC down to get further in the mood, though.  Silly state.  But it sure beats the snow!  And my pumpkin muffins beat your pumpkin muffins.  *B

recipe found here (yes, I have a food blog... where have you been Raquel?!)


  1. PS: This is Kristi, the copycat! ;)
    I have actually never noticed you trimmed your cute daughter's onesies but CrEaTiVe minds think alike, right?! I heart you! xo


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B