
the women in my life

I know this is coming a little late, but in all honesty, I didn't want to take away from Brad's big day and it's a little harder to be computer savvy when you're away from home. But Mother's Day is important because my mothers are important to me. That's right, mother + plural = my blood mama and my mom-in-law. Both are such wonderful women so I thought I would take Lacey's challenge (albeit a few days late):

"What is the most important life lesson your mother(s)
has taught you and how are you
going to pass it on to your little ones?"

Heidi A. Borgia, my mom: One of her famous sayings, and one of my all-time favorites, is "Life sucks and then you die." I love it because of its shock factor upon hearing it, but also because it's so true. Life is hard and sometimes a little unfair (or so it seems) but we don't let it debiliate us. We work through those difficult times and move on. Because in the end, we go to a better place with a greater understanding of all those tough times. So if my kids every try to pull a whine fest about how life's not fair, I will for sure whip out this phrase because really, we all just need to get over it (whatever it may be), right? Right.

But I also learned from my mother how to love and care for people. And she isn't just nice just so people think highly of her (even though they do), but because she is genuinely concerned for others. Sometimes her loving words and actions do go unnoticed, and that's ok. She is such a great example of turning the other cheek, of being a true disciple of Christ and His teachings "to love one another." I too love anyone and want the best for everyone. And my children will definitely be reared in a home where that is displayed and taught, like I was.

Marty Summers, my mother-in-law: I have THE best in laws in the entire world. I feel bad for everyone else... haha, just kidding! But seriously, my mother in law is a saint and I have no problem calling her mom. She is the kindest and gentlest person I know. She goes out of her way to make people comfortable and safe. Ask anyone and they would agree. The joke in the family is that the only reason the rest of us will get into Heaven is because of our relation to mom! She gave me her wonderful son who is an equally wonderful husband. I know that Brad's capacity to love me comes from his mother, who also loves me. It means so much to me to feel such acceptance from her and the sense of security that comes with that knowledge. And it gives me comfort to know that my children will grow up knowing that both sets of their grandparents are loved by both of their parents. There will just be love in my home; love everywhere!

ETA: I forgot to mention that my dear MIL also happens to be a nutrition guru! Brad sometimes feels like he has two mothers in the same room when we're all together! But it's so nice to not be told that I'm crazy! In fact, it was on my first date with Brad that I found out Marty had the book I wanted for Christmas: Healing with Whole Foods, Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. How cool is that?! It was like a sign. Haha. And we've gotten along ever since. We always have wonderful conversations about health and nutrition and how we can better the health of ourselves and families, etc. Once again, it's so nice to have the support AND encouragement as I pursue my studies in Holistic Nutrition, from both of my mothers. How lucky am I?!

With all that being said, sadly enough, I wasn't able to make something for my marvelous mother-in-law because I don't have a picture of her!!! So I will definitely be getting some this week while we're here visiting so I can show her off to all of you... But this is a page I did for my mother for Mother's Day (I'll have you know that I don't have many pictures of her either... it must be a mom thing, because looking through all of our pictures, there aren't too many of me either. I guess the mom is usually the one behind the camera and not in front of it...).

I would also like it to be known that I have wonderful grandparents, too. On both sides of my family and Brad's. And my sister-in-laws are sooooo great too! I never had sisters but now I have three and they are the best! My SIL Ashley told me that if Bradley ever did anything to hurt me that they would all have my back! Haha! But really, such lovely ladies! I just feel so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful women and the loving examples that they share with us all. And that goes to all my aunts, cousins, cousin-in-laws, friends/blog buds! You all have something to share that makes me a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. So thank you to all and everyone deserves to be celebrated! Love, me the B

*full credits can be seen here


  1. Thanks for pondering and sharing! Sounds like you have a wonderful family...what else can be expected though...you are wonderful too!

  2. It's true. You are wonderful!! I have never felt like I could take credit for that--you came that way!! I wish I was as wonderful as you make me feel all the time. Thank you sweetie!

  3. Ahhh... who can beat that!?! I must say, you're simply amazing and Brad is lucky to have you! I'm excited to have you as one of my wonderful cousins. I'm sure your mother is simply amazing too! Yes, you're right about what you wrote for Aunt Marty. I always left their home feeling very uplifted and so loved. You know what they say-Daughters are an image of their Mothers. Your Mother has to be amazing! I hope you guys have fun in Washington!!!

  4. Love the post Beth & love your mama too!

  5. Hey...I just wanted to tell you CONGRATS on the Weeds and Wildflowers CT team! That is HUGE! You really should shout it out to the world on a regular post besides your sly little update down below!! You are just too modest!


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B