
partyin' fun fun, yeah

Can you believe school starts tomorrow?  Which means we survived the Summer!!!  A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I headed out to WA for some good ol' R&R with the Summers' clan, while Brad stayed behind and studied/took the Bar (no worries, he joined us for the family reunion after it was over).  We all had a blast!  It was nice to escape from the heat, and the kids were outdoor junkies.  Seriously, I barely saw them.  Will tagged alongside his cousins the entire time, doing who knows what... While Elsie got into just about everything (including dirt, fertilizer, baking soda, dog food and mud puddles).  There were animals to hug, fish to fish, weeds to pull, rivers to float, mountains to hike, wood to burn and rocks to climb.  And let's not forget the trampoline, zip line, pedal carts, tractor and water slide.  Those kids wore themselves silly!  As for the adults, we rafted, we hiked, we karaoked, we played games and we chatted.  I helped sew up some pillows and a window treatment, and was also able to squeeze in lots of water aerobics.  I even found an awesome yoga studio.  I have now "mastered" the crow pose!  Other fun included blind makeup artists, cardboard cars at the "drive" in, and a talent show-off.  And we all got super sick...  But we're better now, and we're home safe and sound.  And sweaty ;)

Bring on the Fall!  *B


  1. How could all of that been accomplished in a mere two weeks? I probably should have gone with you instead of my own reunion!
    I, for one, am SO glad you are home finally!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time :)

  3. That sounds like so much fun!! Except for the all getting sick part... I LOVE that first picture of Elsie!


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B