
firstborn in the firstgrade

Let's pretend I'm not in the picture... or at least pretend that I look hot.  Where did my kids get all their good looks from???  They're so dang cute!  And big.  *B


  1. Of course you look hot!! It's Mesa in the middle of August! But seriously, you are always cute!
    And I think the kids look quite a bit like their mama, don't you?

  2. um, you look great in this pic! that's where they get their good looks :)
    Can't believe you have a 1st grader. oh so grown up :)

  3. I agree the kids look like their "HOT" mama!

  4. They are so big!! And you look great!

  5. So cute! I've got pictures just like this of my first two. Maeyah would have gone to first grade this year too, had she ever set foot in a school building.

  6. Oh my goodness... No way is he old enough to do that!! I also concur with everyone else that you look GREAT!!

  7. you do look beautiful and your son is so handsome!


You're currently in the process of making my day. So thanks for that! *B