I'm so overwhelmed and busy with patent work that my graphic design side business has been put on the back burner. So sorry to some who feel like I've forgotten them; it's not true! I remember and my conscience is eating away at me --not to mention my complete failure as host of a couple giveaways and the one swap, all from times long since past! I will get to all of them, eventually. I promise. One step at a time, though. First step, designing all those designs
I said I would! Also, I noticed that I still have
two spots open ;)
1. Joe - baby announcements
2. Marcie - header
3. Clarissa - blog makeover
4. Lacey - blog design
5. Rachel H. - blog design
6. Leslie - ???
7. Aranne - blog design
8. Mandi - something (possibly a decor board)!
9. your name here
10. your name here
Also, for those who have asked about my pricing:
BLOGSBlog header: $25
Blog background: $25
Sidebar titles: $25
Blog Design/Makeover: $60-75
CARDS, ETC.$50 design fee
$20-35 hourly rate
And the quilt board was custom made for my mom's
quilt group (please contact me if you're interested in a board design. Feel free to contact me to say hi, too! :) I'm a little into quilting nowadays myself... 'tis the season! Seriously, I've got fabric and crochet on the brain; my creative juices are flowing again, yay! Oh, and next week: updating all the links on my sidebars AND posting pictures of what we've been up to for the past month or two! We've been a little on the busy/stressed side of life, in case you couldn't tell... but all is good. Especially my little apple baby! *B