
joy in the journey

Thanks.  Thank you kind strangers.  Thank you loving friends.  And thank you supportive family.  Life is hard.  But it's pretty great, too.  For the most part, I'm an optimistic person...  However, this past month I had had enough.  I was bottling up all sorts of frustrations and I just had to let it all out.  I'm sorry you had to read it.  But I'm glad I wrote it.  I immediately felt better, and every day has been better since :)

I know I'm not alone, not the only one to ever struggle, especially now.  And I know none of us are alone.  Because we have each other.  And we have God.  We have Jesus Christ.  It is the wounded Christ who comes to our rescue.  He descended below all and ascended above all so that He can comprehend all.  I just need a little faith, and a lot of patience.  He has approved of and catered to my challenges so that I can work on both.  God help me; I am grateful.  *B


versatile me

Miss Katie from Katie's How To... found me through my feature on I ♥ Naptime, and she is SUPER sweet :)  Apparently, I'm versatile and worthy of an award!  Which means I should probably post more...

Here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Answer 10 questions
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award

And the 10 questions are:

1. Why did you create your blog?
Which one???  I started the Summers Camp blog to keep in touch with family and friends :)  Beth's Mess because I (really) love (good) food, and The Stitchy Niche because I adore any/all kinds of stitching.
2. What kind of blogs do you follow?
I follow the blogs of family and friends, and a lot of DIY/crafty blogs.
3. Favorite brand of make-up?
If/when I wear any, Bare Minerals
4. Favorite brand of clothing?
Whatever I can afford ;)  But if I were rich, I would buy clothes from Anthropologie, J. Crew and Banana Republic.  Yeah, I've got expensive taste...
5. Indispensable make-up product?
6. Favorite color?
7. Favorite perfume?
I like the scents from Gap: Pink, Dream and Grass
8. Favorite movie?
Anything fantasy, because I'm a total nerd...  I'd have to say some of my favorites include Stardust and Coraline.  And The Nightmare Before Christmas.  I like strange.
9. What country would you like to visit and why?
The British Isles.  It speaks to my soul.
10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
Blush, for sure.  Because, I don't need any.  My cheeks are naturally rosy.  True story.

The 7 blogs I'm passing this on to in no particular order:

Thanks again, Katie!  And thanks to (m)any who continue to read my silly wee blog(s)...  Sometimes it's nice to have a voice in the world, no matter how small that voice or part of the world might be.  *B



Sorry for being such a downer...  Hope your Vday is dreamy!  *B


poor me (a pity post)

We are struggling.  Big time.  And I'm tired exhausted.  And very frustrated.  In short, we are the poorest people I know.  Oh, I know there are those who are much poorer.  But, I don't know them personally...  I honestly don't know anyone poorer than us.  And it's hard.  Real hard.  I don't want to be rich.  I just want to stop worrying about tomorrow.  I want to be able to pay our bills (on time), and put food on our table.  And while I'm whining, let me just say that it's not fair that other people have real jobs/careers and get to live in real houses.  Or that only the successful breed success.  Why is it that behind every successful business woman there's a successful business man?  When is it our turn to be successful, at anything?

Then I start to feel super guilty.  Because we really are so blessed.  We're not living on the streets.  And thanks to our parents and/or the government, we have food on our table and clothes on our back.  But it's still not enough...  It never is.  And I am so very tired of asking.  Of wanting.  It gets worse: I start to wonder if God really answers our prayers, or if He ever will.  I know He hears us.  And I know He answers other people's prayers.  But lately I wonder why I even bother.  Because it's not getting better.  It's getting worse.  And so I'm tired.  I'm tired of the struggling.  And I'm tired of being selfish.  But I can't help but feel bitter.  I just wish it would stop.  Or at the very least, I wish I knew that it will stop.

If the only thing I can change is my attitude, then so be it.  It'll have to do.  *B


check it

My buddy Kali is having an awesome giveaway on her awesome site!  Need I mention she's an awesome photographer ;)  Check it out and enter to win!  *B



Cute, huh?  I think so :)  I love "blue" and red together!  Such a happy combo.  *B


and then

So, our beadboard is almost done!!!  Huzzah people, huzz.ahhhhhhh :)  And then half of our kitchen will be somewhat complete.  And I've brought back the "dine in, not out" challenge.  And I've restashed my Etsy shop!  And because I must be insane, I've started a NEW blog!  Where I've published my first pattern!  And I am now completely exhausted.  *B